Preparing for the future of personalization in 2023

Preparing for the future of personalization in 2023

73% of consumers want brands to recognize their particular needs and expectations. Retail brands can cater interactions and marketing efforts to specific customers by using personalization. If you do it well, your company may attract a dedicated clientele who identifies with your brand.

What does e-commerce personalization entail?

Personalization is the process through which e-commerce businesses adjust experiences or marketing messages to target niche markets using customer data.

The majority of client interaction channels can be customized. Some of the main channels that e-commerce firms can customize are:

Pesonalization channels Lucent Commerce

What will make personalization so essential in 2023?

Personalization has evolved into a fundamental customer expectation and is no longer optional. Brands that don't offer personalized experiences to customers run the danger of losing sales and clients.

Consumers expect businesses to provide personalized encounters, and 76% become upset when they don't, according to McKinsey & Company.

Personalization promotes performance and improved customer results, according to a Mckinsey study. Personalization generates 40% more revenue for companies with rapid growth than for those with slower growth.

Additionally, customers are more conscious of how firms use their personal details as worries about data privacy grow. As long as their data is secure, 48% of consumers say they value the convenience of personalization.

Effective personalization necessitates an omni - channel strategy that engages customers where they are given that consumers interact with companies across numerous media. Customers now expect businesses to comprehend and foresee their demands. Additionally, 88% of consumers believe that a brand's experience matters equally as much as its merchandise.

Personalization is the process through which e-commerce firms modify experiences or marketing messages to target niche markets using customer data.

Here is an example of how personalization may appear in use, depending on the brand:

  • Product recommendations: Businesses identify more products that customers might be interested in buying using data from recent purchase histories.
  • Brands create rewards specifically for each customer based on their known preferences and interests.
  • Facial recognition: When a consumer enters a physical store, the store personnel can recognize them and learn about their preferences.
  • Retailers personalize push alerts for mobile apps to offer tailored product recommendations.
  • Brands offer tailored monthly subscription packages that are sent to consumers.

What advantages does personalization offer?

Customers will be loyal to brands who succeed in providing tailored shopping experiences, and they will spend more money with them.

According to Michelle Bacharach, CEO and co-founder of AI-driven dynamic content producer FindMine, brands who take advantage of personalization trends should anticipate success in the future in satisfying consumer wants.

Online markets have never been more crucial, according to the speaker, as consumers have great expectations for their favorite businesses. "Brands that can anticipate the needs of their online clients and deliver pertinent and motivating material to them in response to those needs will succeed greatly in the years to come. Whoever doesn't will be left behind."


Benefits of personalization in e-commerce store

  • Increase repeat business
  • By personalizing the buying experience, you may increase client retention and brand loyalty. According to a recent study, 49% of shoppers claimed they would probably make additional purchases from a retail company if they were given a personalized experience.

  • Brands that don't customize the purchasing process run the risk of losing clients to those who do. Sixty-two percent of respondents claimed that they anticipate customization and that brands who don't provide it risk losing their customers. This is a rise from the 45% in 2021, demonstrating how personalization is increasingly being used by brands as a competitive advantage.
  • As if that weren't enough, according to 80% of business leaders, clients who receive individualized shopping experiences spend 34% more money overall.

  • Enhance Brand Engagement
  • Brands give pertinent data to people at the appropriate time when they personalize their marketing campaigns. Marketers target the appropriate message to various client categories rather than presenting the same advertising to all of their audience.
  • People are more inclined to interact with your brand when you send them relevant messaging. In fact, enhanced personalization initiatives were credited with improving brand engagement by more than half (54%) of marketers globally.
  • A better conversion rate and replies to discount offers follow the elevated brand engagement.

  • Encourage Brand loyalty
  • Your brand can stand out from the competition thanks to personalization. Customers feel valued and special when they receive individualised communications from your company. Customers frequently appreciate it when companies invest in the connection rather than just the sale.
  • Positive brand views are produced by thoughtful personal contacts, such as calling a consumer by name, recommending pertinent products, or inquiring about a recent purchase.
  • These encouraging feelings influence current purchases and drive repeat business from clients.
  • In a recent McKinsey & Company study, 76% of consumers indicated that getting tailored messages was a major influence in getting them to think about a business, and 78% said that receiving such information increased their likelihood of making another purchase.
  • Additionally, when retail enterprises succeed, customers' repeated purchases over time produce more information from which companies can produce experiences that are customized.

The following describes how customization trends will develop in 2022's last months and the first half of 2023:

  • Personalization powered by AI
  • Retail brands will work more to leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence for personalization in 2023.
  • Giving product suggestions based on historical data is one of AI's most important use cases. For instance, A wide variety of vegan, gluten-free, and other dietary meal options are offered by the food recipe and order fulfillment Hungryroot. Its platform employs AI to provide tailored suggestions and a rotating list of recipes for the following delivery based on user behavior and input.
  • Based on user preferences, Hungryroot's AI system aids in personalization as well as food distribution optimization and waste reduction.
    A.I based personalization

  • Personalized rewards
  • Personalization shouldn't just be used during the pre-purchase stage of the client experience; it's also crucial after the sale.
  • Customers can enjoy customized offers and rewards from retailers depending on their recent purchasing history. Individualized rewards for customers demonstrate your brand's concern for them and may play a significant role in getting them to sign up for your programmes and continue using it.
  • At the moment, 55% of consumers worldwide claim that personalized benefits are the reason they sign up for loyalty programmes.
  • For instance, the grocery chain Kroger employs individualized rewards to attract customers to shop there rather than at rival bargain stores. It offers tailored coupons for the groceries or gas that customers have previously purchased.
    Personalization in Retail
  • Greater customization of mobile experiences
  • By 2025, it is anticipated that consumer mobile spending would total $728 billion worldwide. A mobile device is predicted to be used in 8% of all retail sales by 2023. By 2025, that is expected to be higher than 10%.
  • Push notifications can be sent to users by brands that conduct business through a mobile app using behaviour analytics and customer information. On clients' smartphones, these pop-up notifications typically indicate momentary deals, promotions, or launches. They're made to give consumers pertinent offers and encourage them to use the app for more buying.
  • For example baby brand Firstcry Customers may order additional items, earn discounts, and get first dibs on new arrivals withtheir user-friendly app. They   may more effectively segment its customers and further tailor marketing campaigns by gathering data from the app.
    Mobile based AI

  • Curated subscriptions
  • DTC companies have been searching for novel approaches to keep users interested in 2022. Brands are customizing their subscription programmes in accordance with client preferences to prevent the feared burnout and boredom.
  • With carefully crafted subscription programmes, ecommerce firms can tailor the customer experience. These additionally benefit brands by increasing consumer loyalty and generating recurring revenue, creating a win-win scenario.
  • Personalizing subscription bundles is a great method to boost customer value while lowering churn rate.
  • Customers have the ability to make unique selections thanks to personalized subscriptions. This change in consumer behavior, which greatly lowers churn while raising customer lifetime value, will shortly now become norm in subscription-based ecommerce.

These trends in personalization indicate that in 2023, consumer expectations will continue to rise. Brands will need to develop new strategies for individualized in-person and online experiences as consumers continue to demand the best of both physical and online purchasing.

Brands must capitalize on these trends to stand out in the increasingly congested ecommerce market. Build a strategy to engage with your audience at every stage of the customer journey after determining the level of personalization they are comfortable with.

Lucent Commerce is a platform that allows you to build a strategy for personalization for your e-commerce store. Right from helping with you easy and effortless login into your store to offering shipping protection that helps you earn revenue. You can also easily share your digital documents with the help of our application. We also have various partners who can help e commerce stores customize account page, offer loyalty programs as well as subscriptions.

So, get ready to start personalizing experiences for your customers today. Contact Lucent Commerce for more information-


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